Kategoria-arkisto ‘i was lost in to my mind’


Kirjoitettu 1.05.2017 - katikat. Kategoriassa animal drawing, bit of art, doodles, i was lost in to my mind, my sketchbook, sketchbook, watercolors.


Kirjoitettu 18.10.2016 - katikat. Kategoriassa ajatuksia ja tekosyitÀ, animal drawing, bit of art, doodles, Drawing, i was lost in to my mind, my sketchbook, sketchbook, watercolors, winter.

It’s the time for do x-mas card for this year, i decides to continued what i did on last year; the same theme: her’s doodles for it:

Hmm, the funniest part is now over, now i gotta work this to the final card on photoshop. I hate work pictures on phptosjop, so i enjoy more to draw it on pen & paper nd then add some styff on photoshop if it needs them etc.

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* Funko pop!

Kirjoitettu 20.08.2016 - katikat. Kategoriassa bored, doodles, fan art, i was lost in to my mind, ihan vain ajatuksia, LOL, my sketchbook, sillys, sketchbook.


I hate funko pops! They’re horrible ones! But i still wish there would be some BMFM figures, i would buy them even they would just be so TERRIBLE!

But no! Never! I figured out they would look so **


* The name is Mouse

Kirjoitettu 5.10.2015 - katikat. Kategoriassa bit of art, doodles, Drawing, fan art, good things, i was lost in to my mind, movies, mun aatteet, myself and i, sketchbook, TV, watercolors.


Global James Bond day – BMFM, Modo, Goldfinger sketches.

Sorry about baddd messy sketches, but this was fun to doodle. I’m huge Bond (Connery) fan and i love BMFM episode Steelfinger as imitated of Bond’s Goldfinger

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* minĂ€ olen kadottanut inspiraationi…

Kirjoitettu 14.07.2015 - katikat. Kategoriassa ajatuksia ja tekosyitÀ, bored, i was lost in to my mind, ihan vain ajatuksia, itsensÀ arvostaminen, life, masentaa...., me, myself and i, no feeling so good be myself, olo on surkea, surkeus ja kurjuus.

elĂ€mÀÀn, piirtĂ€miseen, olemiseen…
koska olen jokseenkin ollut liian riippuvainen siitĂ€, ettĂ€ ihmiset katsovat blogiani/merkintöjĂ€ni, kuvitellut, ettĂ€ olisi kiva jos minun kuviani katsottaisiin yhtĂ€ paljon kuin kenen tahansa muunkin, mutta en minĂ€ ole tunnettu random, en minĂ€ ole julkku, en minĂ€ ole tyyppi, joka nĂ€kee kaikessa “ihanaa” …

mutta ostin tÀmÀn kirjan:
IMG_0001 1

EhkÀ saan jotain irti, ja lopettaisin ajattelematta liikaa kuka niitÀ merkintöjÀ lukee, piirtÀisin taas omaksi huvikseni ja jÀttÀisin huonotkin merkinnÀt sinne, mihin olen ne kerran jo postannut.
Vaikka elÀmÀssÀ ei ole mitÀÀn, mistÀ piirtÀÀ, niin ees yksi asia, vaikka vesilasin piirtÀisin pÀivÀssÀ.

Kunnes se inspiraatio taas katoaa moneksi kuukaudeksi…

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I'm odd girl from Helsinki, Finland. Been on earth since 25.3.1985...
I were been studying visual media, graphic desing, photographic (i had my vocational school 2005!) and i do my own art when i got time or inspiration for do that. I have 1 cat, my baby <3
Jobbless pottyhead: I do not always face to be a positive potty, just a precaution, you may hear the sarcasm and cruel words of my mouth on sometimes.
I'M VEGAN AND I'M GREEN AND atheist and not hetero :P
Kiitos, anteeks, nÀkemiin!

Mine other


